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MISSIONARI ITALIANI. Nell’anno 2004 nasce anche la Fundacion Gotas de Amor nella città di J.J.Castelli con il progetto “Casa Bethel”. Inizialmente voleva essere solo una mensa (comedor) per i poveri ma ben presto casa Bethel diventa una centro di accoglienza per bambini abbandonati, maltrattati, violentati e abusati, che il Tribunale dei minori ci affida. Naturalmente dietro tutto ciò c’è un disegno divino e un cuore umano, quello del Pastore Vincenzo Ciano e della sua famiglia che già negli anni 90 predicava l’evangelo in questa terra e dal 2004 si trasferiscono definitivamente a J.J. Castelli per dedicarsi completamente alla vita di questi bambini. "Gocce d'Amore Italia" | Clicca qui |


Historical Review Drops of Love Foundation

Family Ciano.
Vincenzo Ciano is originally from the city of Naples, Italy, where he has lived with his family: his wife Carmen and her two sons Samuel and Esther, until the beginning of 2004.
He then moved to Argentina on a mission in the poorest parts of the country experiencing a serious economic and social crisis.
He was elected as a labor camp Chaco Province, more precisely Impenetrable in the Argentine North where the climate is subtropical and arid, because it was the region most affected by the crisis, and as always those who suffer the most are children.The objective of the mission of the Ciano family was to help these small and great effort has succeeded.
In fact, today, Bethel House is a reality.

House Bethel
The draft House Bethel was born in the heart of the Ciano family since 1994, which has begun a movement of social services to poor people Impenetrable aid.
Vincenzo made several trips as well acquainted with the site and situation, seeing that there were many people to the limits of misery, it was decided with his wife to do something.
The aids were useful, but the desire to do something bigger and concrete grew increasingly Hearts Ciano family.
With the support of churches friends like that of Carmagnola, Turin, Naples Casoria and the Mayor of Cugliate Fabiasco in Varese Vincenzo met by Beniamino Bertini, President of the NGO.
"Gocce d 'Amore" Italy, the project had all the papers in order to be carried out.
So just arrived to Argentina, after a period living in Miraflores, a small town near JJ Castelli, and having established a dining room for 60 children from ethnic Toba, carried out by a collaborator, the family moved to Castelli to initiate establish the foundation and concrete work Bethel House, opened on April 9, 2005 with a visit from the Mayor Italy Bruno Pozzi and Beniamino Bertini.

Our Work
The House began operating as a dining room for poor children. But over time the job started evolucionarse into something special.
Vincenzo and his wife realized they could do more than give to eat and nothing else. So it happened that there was a case of domestic violence in the neighborhood of the Foundation and that the judge intervened denouncing him Castelli. The girl, a victim of abuse, was not the daughter of the father, but was the niece of the woman, as the biological mother abandoned her just born. The solution to this case was little trust "Casa Bethel".
For the family Ciano was not a new thing, because in Miraflores he had stayed at home to an orphaned girl Toba, who currently lives in the Foundation.
Thus the Court began to drift children everywhere, of all ages and all types of problems: drug of sexual abuse, child prostitution neglect, domestic violence and street kids.
Today Bethel Home live 60 children and adolescents, now found a family atmosphere, an atmosphere of love and understanding, where they find reasons to keep living with hope.

An important event was when the school zone monitoring granted the "Drops of Love" being an annex Foundation with three regular teachers and a sewing teacher and English, thanks to the collaboration and availability of school principal of an Aboriginal neighborhood located near Bethel House.
The school still takes place in the dining room, because the structure is still in draft form, but teachers are eager to work.
Something very important to us, are the improvements in the school sector of the boys, among whom there were who never went to school in 15 years of life and who could not speak well, learned to read and write. Our school is distinguished by its strong desire to help the boy to raise their social cultural level, and help you become a decent person, which is the main purpose of the Foundation.

Our endeavor is the development of the boy. Therefore we seek to organize recreational, sports and activities instructivas.Debemos thank for this, the collaboration of specialists who help us in this very important task.
A karate teacher, who having heard of "Casa Bethel" came to visit, offered to come every Saturday to teach children something new.
All were enthusiastic and curious to see how the boys have faced this new discipline for them.
Thankfully, the teacher has a lot of charisma and within months, the boys have learned so well that in a presentation have been exhibited and left everything open mouth.
Also these activities take place in the multipurpose room, Infraestructura.En the lack of time we could see that the sport has had a positive effect on the children, on their personalities acreciendo esteem.

Future Goals
Our next goal here is to build a school with 1st, 2nd, 3rd cycle and Polymodal. The same would not be exclusively for the children of the Foundation, but to the boys from nearby neighborhoods. Since there are no schools in the surrounding hinterland. The structure will be built on the site of the Foundation.
Reputamos important in shaping the child or adolescent and by the instruction, the knowledge of a job and teaching the importance of working.
For this reason we have projects of workshops, offices and laboratories where they too can experience the world of work and a profession.